Engineering Explained

  • Here's how you rev-match with your manual transmission

    So you want to shift gears like a race car driver? Well, Engineering Explained is here to to help. There's a reason we keep posting these videos, and that's because you're going to learn something from them. Today's topic? The fine art of rev-matching. ALSO SEE: Here's how you double clutch You want to be a heel and toe all-star? That means you first need to understand the practice of rev-matching, as it's a major component in the more complicated heel-and-toe dance you want so much to attend. The basics of rev-matching are about bringing your engine up to the same speed that your...

  • How to heel and toe and also why you should be doing it
    How to heel and toe and also why you should be doing it

    It's one of the final levels you need to beat to unlock "True Enthusiast Power": the heel-toe downshift. This is a perplexing bit of coordination that, once you perfect it, truly makes you feel like an actual master. Until then, you're stuck hoping that your quick rev-matching blipshift is enough...

  • Four reasons why the rotary engine is currently dead
    Four reasons why the rotary engine is currently dead

    Mazda's misunderstood Wankel rotary engine is among the most respected—and maligned—powertrain designs ever, as Engineering Explained's Jason Fenske points out in this especially informative video. With his knack for making even the most complicated subjects approachable, Jason tells us...

  • Diagnosing your dead car with help from Engineering Explained
    Diagnosing your dead car with help from Engineering Explained

    We've all been there. You walk out to your car, eager to get moving and begin your day. Your key slides into the ignition and you give it a quick twist. It starts to make that expected noise as it cranks over, but then it doesn't continue on its journey. Your car isn't starting. You pause, confused...

  • Here's how you double clutch
    Here's how you double clutch

    Double clutching: It's one of those terms car enthusiasts often use to describe both what they've done in their own cars and what makes a good clutch. But how many of us really know what double clutching actually means? Jason Fenske over at Engineering Explained has a knack for making things clear...

  • Should you be using the button on your parking brake?
    Should you be using the button on your parking brake?

    The Parking Brake. The E-Brake. The Drift Wand. There are plenty of names we use to refer to the parking system that keeps our vehicle in place when you need it to stay still. If your car has a mechanical parking brake then you also have the lever that operates the brake, unless your car has one of...

  • Here are 5 things to never do with an automatic transmission

    You saw the five things you shouldn't be doing with a manual transmission. Now it's time to learn about five things you should avoid doing when you're driving a vehicle with an automatic gearbox. Engineering Explained is back at it, this time showing us how we're abusing our auto cog-swapping setups. Some of this may seem like common knowledge, but judging by the comments over on the original YouTube page for this video, perhaps that's not the case. Some of the obvious cases include not switching into neutral when coasting downhill or switching from reverse to drive while the car is still...

  • Piston rings and blowby explained
    Piston rings and blowby explained

    Yesterday, we turned to the folks from Engineering Explained to examine five things you should not be doing with a manual transmission. Today we're heading back to that fountain of knowledge for another lesson. The topic this time? It's all about piston rings. This video serves as a great primer on...

  • Here are 5 things to avoid doing with a manual transmission
    Here are 5 things to avoid doing with a manual transmission

    For the average enthusiast, the manual transmission is love. It is life. It is the giver of all that is good with the automobile. Still, there are many who worship at its alter, yet probably practice a few bad habits. It's understandable that these habits could manifest over the years. We get lazy...

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