In the art world, it’s not uncommon and completely legal for rare works to be reproduced, usually because the originals are so rare and valuable that the only way to share them with others, yet still preserve them, is through means of a replica. 

While it’s true that even a Ferrari can be seen as a work of art, that might be stretching the point somewhat in the case of the eight people recently arrested in Spain for having built a business around the manufacture and sale of replica versions of the Italian supercars.

As we’ve seen in the past, there is no shortage of replica supercar builders but they are rarely prosecuted for any illegal activity. But as Ferrari--understandably--sees it, these replica supercar builders are creating forgeries, which in a legal sense is creating a copy with the intent to defraud.

“It’s not a case of copies but just forgeries pure and simple, on a par with those fake Hermès bags sold in the streets,” Ferrari said in a statement.

While no one in their right mind would mistake one of these replicas for the real deal, Ferrari has a point. After all, those selling the replica supercars are profiting from Ferrari’s image without consent from the automaker.

Do you agree with Ferrari? Should more replica supercar builders be arrested?

Tell us in the comments below.


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