No executive deadline has been set for Honda to succeed in formula one, according to the team's British chief executive, Nick Fry. After embarrassingly becoming the sport's least competitive works manufacturer in 2007, Fry said Honda chiefs in Tokyo have not imposed a timeframe by when the team must be back at the front of the field.

"Honda are determined to succeed," he said earlier this week.

"There is and has never been a timeframe associated with Honda's involvement. They assume they will carry on ad infinitum, as far as we can tell," Fry added.

He admitted, however, that there is a growing sense of impatience about Honda's determination to win again, after the last success was Jenson Button's maiden triumph in Hungary two years ago.

But Fry insists that the impatience of Honda executives is no different to that of the Brackley based team itself.

"I think people make the mistake sometimes of trying to separate out the company ... and the team," he said. "They are the same.

"The attitude of Honda of being impatient is only a reflection of the views of the rest of us," Fry added.