When Top Gear USA debuted on The History Channel in 2010, critics were quick to point out that the show wasn’t up to the standards of its original, British counterpart. We’d argue that if you went back to the British show’s rebirth in 2002, it wasn’t really up to snuff, either.

It takes a while for chemistry to develop between hosts, and getting the kind of budget that the BBC has for each episode of the British version takes some serious ratings. Top Gear USA isn’t there yet, but the relationship between hosts Tanner Foust, Rutledge Wood and Adam Ferrara has been steadily improving over the past two seasons.

Top Gear USA begins its third season on Tuesday, February 14 at 9:00 Eastern time. We can’t show you the trailer (since The History Channel has disabled embedding), but we can tell you that this year brings big rigs, NASCAR racing, fire and tumbling trophy trucks.

It will also surely bring lots of flannel from Wood, plenty of sarcasm from Ferrara and a string of event wins from Foust, who’s really the only host with the ability to (safely) drive at speed. We’ll admit to being fans of the show, which is decidedly different than its British cousin.

Maybe the best measure of success is that Top Gear USA is now airing on BBC three television, meaning it’s good enough for export. We’ll be tuning in to season three; will you?