We all know the sound well: brake squeal.

The high-pitched noise emitted from the pads and rotors that causes stress, and sometimes embarrassment. But, don't fret. Porsche wants drivers to know it's a completely normal circumstance.

The brand produced an overly informative video explaining what brake squeal is, and why it happens. Drivers should rest easy knowing the noise occurs when energy and heat convert to vibrations. The brake rotor then acts as a "speaker" and amplifies the vibrations to create the squeal. In Porsche cars specifically, the large brake pads can create more squeal at low speeds due to pad pressure distribution.

The video then spends quite a bit of time assuring Porsche drivers that the brand's brake systems are top-notch and squealing rarely hints at an underlying issue. But, if an owner is concerned, a technician can confirm the noise is nothing more than the parts operating in a normal fashion.

Moral of the story? Don't worry so much about the brake squeal. Instead, just enjoy the car no matter what obscure sounds it may make. Besides, a Porsche powertrain and its associated soundtrack should more than make up for occasional brake squeal.