Despite the slight drop in fuel prices we’ve been enjoying lately, news that oil cartel OPEC is planning to cut production by up to 1 million barrels a day may put an end to the good times. This time the cuts will be from the official quota level and not just the actual production volumes. According to OPEC President Edmund Daukoru, “The reference point is the 28 million barrels per day ceiling.” Gas prices have been falling steadily over the past several months, but this latest news is expected to lift prices back to the highs of earlier this year.

The jump may be sooner than you think because the group began cutting production almost two months ago. It may be time to switch to more fuel efficient diesels like they do in Europe, and new diesel fuels with ultra low solar levels will be introduced across the US starting from the 15th of this month. To take advantage of the new fuel, the Big Three are planning the launch of several new diesel-powered pickups with particulate traps that only work with low-sulfer fuel.