Just when you thought owning a car in the UK couldn’t get any more expensive, what with all the congestion charges and registration taxes, a new report has found parking a car for free in some areas is becoming near impossible. In just six years, the number of drivers issued with a parking ticket in the UK has risen 500%.

The finding was released by the country’s Traffic Penalty Tribunal in its annual report, which shows that more than 3.5 million parking tickets were issued during the 2006-07 financial year, up from 800,000 tickets just six years earlier. Total revenue from all the issued tickets amounted to more than £214 million ($428 million), all going directly to local council coffers.

This number doesn’t show the true extent of the problem as it only includes tickets issued by parking enforcement agents. When combined with tickets issued by the police, the figure skyrockets to more than eight million tickets and up to £480 million ($960 million) in fines.