Front Seats - 2007 Infiniti G35 Coupe 2-door Auto

Front Seats - 2007 Infiniti G35 Coupe 2-door Auto

Recalls have always been part of the automotive business, but lately they seem to be centered largely around faulty electronic and electrical systems--a side effect, perhaps, of the increased computerization of cars in general. Today's recall is for 134,215 2005-2006 Infiniti G35 sedans and 2005-2007 G35 Coupes that use a faulty connector that may keep the vehicle's airbags from deploying in a crash.

The problem lies in a wire harness that may wear down over time until the signal to deploy the airbags fails to reach the airbags themselves, leaving occupants without the benefit of the safety devices. According to an MSNBC report, most of the recalled cars were sold in the U.S., though some went to markets elsewhere in North America, Asia and the Middle East.

The cars affected were all built in Japan, and it only affects previous-generation cars--the new G37s are not part of the recall. About 65 percent of the recalled vehicles are sedans, the remainder coupes.

Fortunately, owners of affected cars may have some advance notice: a red light on the dashboard will illuminate indicating the faulty status of the airbag system. Cars displaying the red airbag light should be fixed immediately. Owners of cars that haven't yet presented this symptom can take their cars in to dealerships soon following notification from Infiniti.