Most of us here at Motor Authority are of the confirmed no-kids sort, but we understand the draw of creating a little clone of yourself. But kids aren't clones, and sometimes they don't turn out like you. What if your kid doesn't like cars at all?

On the other hand, sometimes a child's interests are naturally close to the father's. Sometimes, that child may even want to follow in his footsteps. But can you tell from the first "vroom vroom"?

Only time will answer that question, but, for at least one dad, that simple sound opens up a world of possibilities.

This video is a creation of our fan and fellow car guy Juan Barnett upon hearing his son's first "vroom vroom." For Barnett, it may have been the spark--the moment when his son decides to be a car guy like his dad, sparking "Visions of late nights in the garage, father and son trips to Monaco, and long nights perusing Craigslist."

For more of Barnett's car-centric thoughts, check out his blog at DC Auto Geek.