1995 Jaguar XJS convertible

1995 Jaguar XJS convertible

Dominick Dunne was many things to many people: novelist, journalist, movie producer, husband, and father, to name a few. (His son, Griffin, may be the most underrated actor of the 1980s. Or the most overrated. Jury's out.)

In addition to all that, Dunne was also something of a car fan. Nothing as obsessive as, say, out-and-proud greasemonkey Jay Leno -- but then, we can't imagine Dunne letting engine fluids get within ten feet of his rep tie.

Dunne's favorite was a 1995 green Jaguar convertible that he'd named Audrey, after Audrey Hepburn. He made a habit of taking Audrey for a drive every day after work, and he credited her as the site of some of his inspiration: "I get great ideas in this car."

Dunne died last year, and many of his things -- Audrey included -- are heading to the auction block on November 20. Whether you're a gearhead, a literary buff, or an aspiring writer hoping for a muse of your own, it's worth a look.

[Forbes via Marty]