PSA’s new CEO Christiaan Streiff has barely made the seat warm but has already announced that he will unveil a plan to 2010 as early as May. Among the options he’s considering is re-entering the all-important US market, which has seen a trend towards smaller, more fuel efficient cars that Peugeot specialises in. Peugeot is also a leader in diesel technology, which is slowly gaining traction in the US.

Our older readers may remember that Peugeot hasn’t been in the US market for over 15 years, when it used to sell just one model, the 405, pictured above. Though Peugeot considered entering the US market a few years back, it didn’t go ahead with the plan.

Also on Streiff’s agenda is to improve build quality, which can be a hit-and-miss affair even on their modern cars. Peugeot will need to rival Volkswagen and Toyota on style and reliability before it can even consider getting back in to the tough US market.